Brutal Teacher

Location – Romania, Bucharest, Elementary school number 97.

There exists a Teacher by the name of Preda Ecaterina who likes to slap kids about, while I was researching another story, a Romanian friend of mine stated her Daughter was upset and is afraid to go to school.

Was the reason;

  • Bullying?
  • Afraid of a subject not understood?
  • Too lazy to go to school?

Well what then?
A teacher slapped a 9 year old boy across the face to make him behave, the the girl was afraid it would happen to her, the teacher does this many times stated the girl.

teacher_attentionThis Hitler looks the part as you see.ed.Thought the boots are supposed to be Black leather, you can tell by the tense hands that a thrashing is imminent, perhaps if the glasses were on the eyes and not the breastsshe might see what see is doing is wrong (although I very much doubt that).My Message to the Romanian Education Authorities, Teachers striking kids is WRONG!Romania is now a member state of the European Union now, and that is very much illegal, you may have done that before but those days are over.


An additional act of violence from this hitler came in the form of  a boy who had gotten one of  his sums wrong in class, the boy was poked so hard by her finger in this childs head that her nail left an indent and mark in his head, it has also been reported by other kids that this bitch hits them over the head with a book on the odd occasion (must be when she is menstruating).

Locatia:Bucuresti,Romania,scoala generala numarul 97.

Exista o Doamna Invatatoare pe nume Preda Ecaterina careia ii place sa plesneascacopiii.In timp ce faceam cercetari pentru o alta poveste,un prieten roman mi-a spus cat desuparata este fiica lui si ce teama ii este sa mai mearga la scoala.

A fost motivul..


Teama de o materie pe care nu o intelege?

Atunci ce?

Invatatoare si-a plesnit elevul peste fata pentru a-l determina sa se poarte frumos.Fetei i-a fost teama sa nu i-se intample si ei.Invatatoare a  obisnuieste sa facaasta,dupa spusele fetitei.

Acest Hitler arata cam asa cum puteti vedea desi am crezut ca cizmele ar trebui sa fie dinpiele neagra.Poti spune dupa cat de tensionate are degetele,ca in curand va plesni uncopil,iar ochelarii ar trebui sa-i aiba la ochi nu pe piept,pentru a putea vedea ceface(altfel ma indoiesc sa aiba vreo sansa).

Mesajul meu pentru Ministerul Educatiei din Romania este: Este ilegal ca un profesor saloveasca un elev.Sunteti in Uniunea Europeana acum si chiar daca in trecut a fost permisaviolenta,acele zile au apus.

OPRITI ASTA ACUM sau pierdeti garantiile parteneriatulu i  cu Uniunea Europeana!!!

Un act suplimentar de violenta fizica din partea acestui Hitler a venit din partea unuibaietel care a gresit in clasa la o adunare si pe care l-a lovit cu degetul atat de rau,caurma unghiei ei a ramas marcata pe capul copilului.De asemenea s-a semnalat si din parteaaltor copii,ca aceasta le loveste cu cartea capetele in momente cel putin ciudate(probabilcand se afla la ciclu).

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One Response to Brutal Teacher

  1. Alexandreina says:

    I make reply in english for world to understanding.

    we taken my child from the school as this teacher was very hurting my girl many times, we have now moved from this place and my daughter is happy and getting very good scores from her school work.

    Romania is not as civilised peoples as Europe, as we are having the beating and insults as normal and is accept in our society. Change needs to come to my country for we are still in dark ages in this way. People are afraid to complain to authorities on these matters as it will not be taken seriously and they will get punished for saying the complaints. Thank you for allwing me to say this in safety for my children and my self.

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